Returns Policy

Ready-made furniture

The following applies only to ready-made items and furniture purchased through our website. It does not apply to any furniture or other items that have been personalised to you, made-to-order or custom-made to your specification.

All furniture delivered to you must be inspected immediately on receipt. Any damage incurred during delivery must be notified to us in writing within 24 hours of receipt by sending us an email at including details and photos of any damage.

Any unwanted ready-made furniture purchased through our website you can be returned for any reason for a refund provided it is returned to us within 14 calendar days of delivery. 

If you wish to initiate a return, please contact us at providing your name, contact details, delivery address and order number.

If you are returning an item as a result of damage incurred during delivery to you, or as a result of any discrepancy between the item received and the item’s description on our online shop, and you have notified us of this within 24 hours of receipt, we will cover the cost of returning the item to us where we have arranged for the item to be collected from you. Where you have arranged for the item to be returned to us, we will reimburse you for any reasonable delivery costs provided these have been notified to us and agreed by us in advance of these costs being incurred. Where these have not been agreed by us in advance, we reserve the right to refund delivery costs only up to an amount equivalent to our standard delivery costs.

If you are returning a ready-made item within 14 days of receipt because you have changed your mind or for any other reason other than those above, you will be responsible for the costs reasonably incurred in collecting or returning the item to us.

Any goods returned must be properly and carefully packaged, protected from damage and returned in a re-sellable condition, or in no worse condition than it was received by you.

We reserve the right to make a deduction from the refund due to you for any loss in value of the goods which is due to unnecessary handling of the goods by you. Therefore, you should not handle the goods any more than is necessary to establish the nature and characteristics of the goods.

For any returns agreed by us we will provide you with a refund using the same method of payment which you used to pay us within 14 days of the day we receive the goods back from you.

Bespoke and customised furniture

The above returns policy does not apply to any furniture or other items that have been personalised to you, made-to-order or custom-made to your specification. For details of our terms relating to bespoke and customised items please see our Terms and Conditions.